Our friends at Wondershare Technologies have just informed us of a limited time offer, which is planned to end next month. The offer nets buyers a whopping 30% OFF all of their Dr.Fone products, and all you need to do is use the coupon code: MENEDU10 at checkout.
Dr.Fone is one the world’s most popular range of Android PC Suites, allowing users to run a myriad of tasks to make their Android life that little bit sweeter.
Whether you are looking to transfer and manage photos and files, backup and restore contents between your PC and phone, repair Android system issues, migrate content between devices or unlock a screen-locked handset. Dr.Fone has a solution for almost any Android need and now comes at 30% less than retail – for a limited time only.
As mentioned, we anticipate this offer to end next month – but here’s hoping it lasts a little longer – so more of our website visitors can benefit.
We’ve taken the liberty of listing each of the Dr.Fone products below, so feel free to take a browse and see if something tickles your fancy!